CarlosM KB

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IPv6 Experiment in LACNIC XI

During LACNIC XI I participated in a great initiative called the IPv6 Experiment. The experiment proposed that during a certain time window, all IPv4 connectivity would be turned off and three challenges would be offered to the participants, namely:

  1. Try to access a specific IPv6-accesible page
  2. Try to send an e-mail using IPv6 only
  3. Try to establish a VPN connection over IPv6

I grabbed the output of netstat showing only IPv6 connections on my Ubuntu laptop. This was certainly the first time my laptop had seen such a thing!

Fri May 30 10:22:58 UYT 2008


Active Internet connections (servers and established)

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 5190/cupsd

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 8414/exim4

tcp 0 1 SYN_SENT 9792/pidgin

tcp 0 1 SYN_SENT 6605/wget

tcp6 0 0 :::22 :::* LISTEN 5125/sshd

tcp6 0 0 2001:12fe:0:100:2:44670 2001:12fe:1:100::d:5222 ESTABLISHED 9792/pidgin

tcp6 0 0 2001:12fe:0:100:2:45264 2001:12fe:1:100::4a7:80 ESTABLISHED 8861/thunderbird-bi

tcp6 0 0 2001:12fe:0:100:2:43022 2001:12fe:1:100::a4:119 ESTABLISHED 8861/thunderbird-bi

tcp6 0 0 2001:12fe:0:100:2:55724 2001:12fe:1:100::be:143 ESTABLISHED 8861/thunderbird-bi

tcp6 0 0 2001:12fe:0:100:2:33919 2001:12fe:1:100::be:143 ESTABLISHED 8861/thunderbird-bi

tcp6 1 0 2001:12fe:0:100:2:33896 2001:12fe:1:100::4a7:80 CLOSE_WAIT 8861/thunderbird-bi

tcp6 0 0 2001:12fe:0:100:2:50170 2001:12fe:1:100::be:143 ESTABLISHED 8861/thunderbird-bi

tcp6 0 0 2001:12fe:0:100:2:59814 2001:12fe:1:100::d:5050 ESTABLISHED 9792/pidgin

tcp6 0 0 2001:12fe:0:100:2:33920 2001:12fe:1:100::be:143 ESTABLISHED 8861/thunderbird-bi

tcp6 0 0 2001:12fe:0:100:2:36047 2001:12fe:1:100::48:993 ESTABLISHED 8861/thunderbird-bi

ts: 1227715271